A registered 501(c)3 nonprofit. EIN:
What we do
The Native Plant Program seeks to enhance and protect biodiversity and ecosystems in southern California by providing high-quality native plant materials for restoration efforts. Founded in 2024 by a team of restoration practitioners, the program was created to address the need for locally sourced and phyto-sanitary native plants to support habitat restoration initiatives. As well as preventing the unintended introduction of pathogens and pests to restoration sites.
Today, the program produces over 1,000 native plants each year and operates a regional seed bank that holds more than 500 collections, available for restoration projects, contracts, and public distribution.
Site Assessment: Evaluating the current ecological conditions of the site, including soil type, existing vegetation, hydrology, and local wildlife. This assessment helps identify the ecological context and any disturbances that need to be addressed.
Identifying Native Species: Recommending appropriate native plant species based on the site conditions, restoration goals, and local ecosystem dynamics. This includes selecting plants that are well-suited to the climate, soil, and specific habitat requirements of the area.
Restoration Goals: Collaborating with landowners, organizations, or agencies to define clear objectives for the restoration project, such as enhancing biodiversity, restoring habitat for wildlife, or improving soil health.
Planning and Design: Developing a comprehensive restoration plan that outlines planting strategies, site preparation methods, and maintenance practices. This may include designing planting layouts and specifying plant densities to maximize ecological benefits.
Implementation Support: Offering guidance on the practical aspects of implementing the restoration plan, including sourcing native plants, preparing the site, and conducting the planting process.
Monitoring and Maintenance: Establishing criteria for monitoring the success of the restoration project and providing recommendations for ongoing management and maintenance to ensure the long-term health of the native plant community.
Education and Outreach: Educating stakeholders and the community about the importance of native plants and the benefits of restoration, promoting stewardship, and encouraging public involvement in the restoration process.
Restoration Projects
Habitat Nursery is dedicated to conservation and restoration initiatives, including rare plant conservation, habitat restoration, erosion control, and native landscaping. We specialize in propagating and supplying robust native plants that are well-suited for challenging environments, making our stock ideal for restoration sites, revegetation projects, and natural landscapes.
We provide a comprehensive range of plants and services:
Native Plant Propagation
Wholesale Nursery Services
Custom Orders & Contract Growing
Consultation Services
Custom Seed & Material Collection
Wildlife Habitat Enhancement
Our plants are specifically adapted to a variety of ecosystems, from desert regions to riparian zones and high-altitude areas. This adaptation ensures they thrive in even the most demanding climates and restoration environments.
Local Genetics & Native Seed
Seed & Material Collection: Our team conducts comprehensive site surveys, inventories, and mapping using ArcGIS to ensure precise documentation of collection areas. We monitor and map these sites to track phenological stages, optimizing timing for seed collection. Employing tested methods for species identification, seed cleaning, handling, and storage, we maintain strict protocols to prevent contamination and preserve genetic integrity.
The Network
Meet our network partner organizations that work together to create and seize opportunities that allow us to advance our collective work in ways that no one organization could do alone.